21 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Fuzzy Approach to Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chain Networks

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    Aircraft Maintenance Routing Problem – A Literature Survey

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    The airline industry has shown significant growth in the last decade according to some indicators such as annual average growth in global air traffic passenger demand and growth rate in the global air transport fleet. This inevitable progress makes the airline industry challenging and forces airline companies to produce a range of solutions that increase consumer loyalty to the brand. These solutions to reduce the high costs encountered in airline operations, prevent delays in planned departure times, improve service quality, or reduce environmental impacts can be diversified according to the need. Although one can refer to past surveys, it is not sufficient to cover the rich literature of airline scheduling, especially for the last decade. This study aims to fill this gap by reviewing the airline operations related papers published between 2009 and 2019, and focus on the ones especially in the aircraft maintenance routing area which seems a promising branch


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    The choice of the appropriate product for the portfolio of a pharmaceutical company in terms of its strategy and long term commercial value is a sophisticated multi-criteria decision problem in pharma economics. This paper provides a systematic method for licensing in pharma industry and proposes a Fuzzy AHP based decision model for the decision makers in pharmaceutical industry to assess potentials of different products for license-in that may be proper for their portfolio. An application of the proposed model is also performed for a pharmaceutical company in Turkey.Odabir prikladnog proizvoda za portfolio farmaceutske kompanije u smislu strategije i dugoročne komercijalne vrijednosti je sofisticirana problematika bazirana na mnoštvu kriterija u farmaceutskoj ekonomiji. Ovaj rad donosi sustavnu metodu za licenciranje u farmaceutskoj industriji i predlaže „fuzzy“ AHP bazirani model odlučivanja za one koji u farmaceutskoj industriji donose odluke kako bi odredili potencijal raznih proizvoda koji bi mogli biti pogodni za njihov portfolio. Predloženi model je primijenjen na jednoj farmaceutskoj kompaniji u Turskoj

    Prioritization of balanced scorecard measurement indicators as a process management approach via fuzzy AHP: case study in automotive industry

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    Ovaj članak nastoji ocijeniti učinkovitost organizacije i smanjiti nesigurnost i varijacije predstavljajući metodologiju pomoću fuzzy AHP u četiri dimenzije tablice uravnoteženih rezultata. Svrha je ovog istraživanja odrediti prioritete pokazatelja mjerenja uspješnosti u organizaciji koja proizvodi automobile za domaće i inozemno tržište Turske. Studija slučaja uz metodologiju u ovom istraživanju može poslužiti kao smjernica profesionalcima i istraživačima u procjeni procesa i pokazatelja mjerenja uspješnosti, kako u proizvodnim tako i uslužnim organizacijama. Metodologija ovog istraživanja pruža fleksibilnost, agilnost, učinkovitost i djelotvornost kao prioritetne vrijednosti kod donošenja odluka.This article seeks to evaluate organization’s performance and minimize uncertainties and variations by presenting a methodology using fuzzy AHP in four dimensions of balanced scorecard. The purpose of this study is to prioritize the performance measurement indicators in organization that is producing automobiles for domestic and foreign market of Turkey. The case study along with the methodology used in this research can be a guideline for professionals and researchers for evaluating the processes and performance measurement indicators both in manufacturing and service organizations. The methodology of this study provides flexibility, agility, efficiency and effectiveness for preferences of the decision makers